You don't really want their lifetime membership, you can buy the actual good software with that money. Does anyone know of any alternatives because this is ridiculous. I do not want to download your damn app so stop trying to force me.

Furthermore, can I use Ultimate Guitar on multiple devices Ultimate Guitar Pro is a cross-platform service. > Click to read more << Besides, can Guitar Pro 7.5 open GP5 files YES, you can open gp3, gp4, and gp5 files. Ultimate-Guitar your website is fucking bullshit now. Here’s a quick summary of the Ultimate Guitar Pro cost: 9.99 per month. UG is notable for being a bunch of dicks to their customers: It's just not worth it, considering the price. More than that, you can download the gp files, upload them to songsterr to play or use tuxguitar. There's nothing Tab Pro could offer me at that point. That means I've never given them some money.įrom that I can tell that I've almost never used Tab Pro, there's a little reason for that: When I received Tab Pro, I already had Guitar Pro (both 5 and 6) and I've already been using Songsterr. I have UG Tab Pro, UG gives me a free annual membership every once in awhile because I submit tabs to their site.